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Averil's Playlist

I Can't Make You Love Me - Bon Iver

Averil described this song as "my idea of heaven."

Accentuate the Positive - Rumer & Jools Holland



Breathe - RHODES

Itchin' on a Photograph - Grouplove


Fly Me to the Moon - Imaginary Friend


Evening/Morning - Bombay Bicycle Club


Shelter - The XX


Ain't No Sunshine - Bill Withers


Heartbeats - Jose Gonzalez



She's Losing It - Belle and Sebastian


Graceland - Paul Simon


First Aid Kit - Emmylou


I Will Follow You into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie


Ghosts - Laura Marling


Mama Do the Hump - Rizzle Kicks


There is a Light That Never Goes Out - David Ford


Drumming Song - Florence + the Machine