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News Articles

News Articles

Browse a list of news articles documenting Averil’s story and our experience of the complaints process


16th February 2020

Eating disorder patients should be given home visits, say grieving parents
Phoebe Southworth, The Telegraph

3rd February 2020

The NHS is failing patients with eating disorders
Baroness Parminter, The House, Parliament’s Magazine

28th January 2020

'NHS ran up £100k legal bill after my daughter's death'
Emily Townsend, Eastern Daily Press

9th December 2019

Anorexia deaths not being properly recorded by NHS, inquest hears
Izzy Lyons, The Telegraph

3rd September 2019

Coroner to probe whether anorexia teen's death is linked to four others
Steven Downes, Eastern Daily Press

21st May 2019

Anorexic UEA student's death linked with four other cases
Geraldine Scott, Eastern Daily Press

18th June 2019

Lives 'destroyed by NHS eating disorder failures'
Nick Triggle and Philippa Roxby, BBC News

Doctors’ failings on eating disorders ‘are costing lives’
Caroline Davies, The Guardian

18th May 2019

Adults with eating disorders 'face appalling NHS failings'
Sarah Marsh, The Guardian

14th August 2016

Family searching for answers three-and-a-half years after death of UEA student
Emily Townsend, Eastern Daily Press

18th November 2014

NHS Ombusdman accused of major failings
Laura Donnelly, The Telegraph